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Redesign Your Kitchen For Energy Efficiency & More Space

Redesign Your Kitchen For Energy Efficiency & More Space

Redesign Your Kitchen For Energy Efficiency & More Space by HRPub

More or less, kitchen redesigns are the most popular way of renovating your home. With this in mind, it’s becoming a profession in itself. Making sure that the kitchen has plenty of space and is more energy efficient is a want and need for many people. Trying to cook when there’s no space can be frustrating and daunting. With this in mind, here are some tips for getting your kitchen energy efficient and spacious.

Finding more kitchen space

Everything in the home gets cluttered at some point, but none like the kitchen. Counters full, cupboards overflowing, it can seem like an impossible task to get it fixed and in better working order. Here are three top tips for getting more space in the kitchen:

- Message board – Might seem a bit like the tip of the iceberg, but by giving everyone a place to right their messages, concerns or needs for the day you can have a better organised kitchen – and family life.

- Sliding Storage – There are always gaps that can be better utilised. By using a sliding cupboard you can store baking supplies and canned goods. It’s usually fitted between the fridge and a kitchen cabinet.

- Hanging Baskets – No, don’t be bringing your flowerbeds inside but by using a hanging basket there will be somewhere to store most of your fruit and vegetable until you need it. Usually in chrome, wicker or plastic, three-tiered baskets are the most popular.

Energy efficient kitchens

Today, everyone is trying to cut down the amount of energy they use and stay green for the good of the environment and their pocket. Being energy efficient can be simple enough if you know where to look. It’s all about selecting the right materials. Products to look at include:

- Your appliances – Refrigerators with top fridge and bottom freezer, dishwashers with half-load settings and induction cooktops are all good things to look out for.

- Your cabinets – Cork flooring, bamboo or natural stone counter tops, wooden and composite glass cabinets are some of the best to look for. Try and find those that are made through recycled materials.

- Lighting – Energy Star fixtures are the usual port of call for this type of thing. Using a compact fluorescent will save up to 75% on your lighting costs, and nothing is cheaper than sunlight so check the natural light available.

- Paints – Water-based paints are generally considered to being the most energy efficient type so start your search there.

Looking for your home remodel contractor is a casr of searching in the right places. Click the following link to find where to get your kitchen remodeling in Denver.

Article Source: Redesign Your Kitchen For Energy Efficiency & More Space


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